Thursday, December 31, 2015

Peace Out, 2015

Happy New Year, my lovely readers!

I hope that all of you are enjoying your final few hours of 2015. It's crazy to think how fast the year has gone! I know that I say that every year, but it always catches me off guard. When I finally get comfortable with the year, it's suddenly over. I'd like to say that with the new year, I'm a year older and a year wiser, but let's be honest, that's not always accurate. (Thar was a poor attempt at humor, friends. Laugh so I don't feel awkward. (And let's be honest again, I'm awkward no matter what, so laughing won't help any.))

2015 was an exciting year, to say the least. It was filled with laughter, tears, heat break, optimistic enthusiasm, late night conversations, big decisions, so much work, a lot of inspirational quotes, inside jokes, a leap of faith every here and there, determination, unforeseen challenges, positivity, new friends, and so many wonderful memories. For every up, there was a down. For every tear, there was laughter.

I saw a picture on Facebook that said something along the lines: "I think we can all agree that 2015 tried to kill us all." It made me laugh because it was ridiculous, but also kind of true. I didn't think it was a bad year, actually, but it wasn't a good year 100% of the time either. Overall I thought it was pretty good, but it had its own challenges.

As I reflect back on it, I don't even know where to begin! I have so many fond memories of 2015 that they outweigh the sour or darker memories. I was still adjusting to college and classes, but found a solid group of friends that helped make it easier. (I am always so thankful to have them in my life and I don't know what I would do without them. They have become such big parts in my life and they are always included when we talk about the future.)

My anxiety became too overwhelming and I ended up falling into a similar darkness that I had experienced about two years earlier. I went to counseling as a way to help deal with my self diagnosed anxiety and (possibly seasonal) depression. I learned a lot about myself and tried to help figure things out. (Especially about my twisted idea about time.) It was a struggle, to say the least, but it did help in its own way.

I brought friends home from college and they spent two weekends in the best state ever (Minnesota, in case you all forgot). Both weekends were super fun as we showed my friends around and we can't wait to do it again this year! Again, my friends at school are absolutely amazing. They push me to be a better person and I am so grateful.

I went back home for the summer and managed two jobs whole trying to see friends. I worked at an extremely intense summer job that (fingers crossed) I won't go back to and had another retail job that is a lot of fun. I also saw One Direction in concert and they were absolutely amazing. (No, we're not going to talking about their upcoming break or the fact that Zayn left the band. Just let me be happy that I saw them in concert.)

I was an orientation leader for incoming freshmen at school with one of my best friends, He and I both had an absolutely incredible experience. It brought us so much joy and was extremely fulfilling. Our groupies/freshmen were extremely independent, but they quickly became friends. I also finally declared my major, woot-woot! As scary as it is, I'm going to be a teacher. I still have mixed feelings about it,

I also spent a lot of time with family and friends, but not nearly enough as I would like. I've grown up with a strong emphasis placed on family, so it's weird missing out on so much. We are always there for one another, so it's challenging not being close. We support each other through the good and the bad, especially during the past few days when we said goodbye to our family dog. He had been suffering for a while and his health had declined rapidly, but he was just miserable. It was heartbreaking to watch him suffer and trust me when I say that there were a lot of tears. Maybe one of these days I'll talk about it, but not right now. Just know that his passing absolutely broke my heart and I feel empty.

All in all, it wasn't a bad year. I actually really enjoyed it and had a lot of memories. And, because I'm Katie, here is some inspiration to help lead us into the new year.



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