Hello (imaginary) people of the internet world!
I hope that all of you are enjoying your Friday and have wonderful (or lazy or wonderfully lazy) plans for the weekend! I apologize for not posting for a while...The past couple weeks haven't been too awesome and I've been very focused on school that I've been struggling trying to find time for anything else. But! I'm here now and I am a mixture of emotions and ready to write a post that will knock your socks off! (Okay, probably not, but a girl can try!)
As I mentioned earlier, the past few weeks have been crazy stressful. With a month of school left, professors are piling on more work than before, lectures are lasting longer, the summer job hunt has begun, the days are getting nicer, and the motivation is lacking. Plus I've also been in a really negative mood the past few weeks that I haven't been able to shake off, so it wasn't helping.
I could feel myself losing control of my life as I got more stressed out and became overly sensitive and emotional. (Remember, friends, I'm already an emotional person. But the past few weeks, my emotions have been on steroids basically.) I was tense all of the time with knots in my stomach for unknown reasons and I couldn't shake off this uncharacteristic bad mood...
And as I would fall deeper into this negative attitude, I realized how much I don't like it, how much I don't like myself when I'm like that. I always try to make an effort to be happy, but I could feel that maybe my effort was slacking and wasn't as genuine as I hoped. I knew that I had two choices to make: 1) let this negative attitude get the better of me and ruin the final month of my freshman year or 2) take a step back, take a deep breath, realize how incredibly lucky and blessed I am, and dive right back into my life with a genuine smile and positive attitude. I'm still working on removing the bad attitude, but I'm making an effort to make sure that I am happy.
Because here's the things, friends, life is too short. (Yes, I am well aware that this is life advice coming from a 19 year old...But that's what I'm saying! It seems like yesterday it was September and I was banging my head against a wall as I counted down the days until the end of Spanish. And then I blinked and it's now April and I went from 1 month into my first year at college to 1 month from being done with my first year of college. Do you see what I'm saying?!) So we need to be happy (easier said than done, I know). It's understandable that you don't need to be happy 24/7, we all have bad days. But we need to try to make an effort to be happy and enjoy this wonderful and beautiful life.
Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes life is totally kicking your butt and happiness is the least of your worries, but there are always reasons to be happy. And even when you're not, find the reasons that put a smile on your face and bring back good memories. Think of positive thoughts or talk to a friend that will make ease your negative mood. Heck, even reach out to your favorite amateur blonde blogger! ;)
I can't express my point enough that your own personal happiness is one of the most important things in life. There are days that will be bad and days when you don't even want to think about it, but you need to find one single happy thing a day. It can even be dorky, like buying a new laundry bag! (No, I am not speaking on personal experiences...It was a sock bag.) Happiness is more than a choice, it's a lifestyle.
And now, after writing an entry that has surely knocked your socks off...I must go write 2 papers that I have been avoiding like the plague. (...Yay...) Anyway, that is all that I have for all of you lovely people. Have a fantastic weekend!
P.S. Oh! Here's some inspiration for all of those who need some encouragement!
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