Sunday, September 14, 2014


Hi guys!

I apologize for not taking the time to post and let you know what is going on in the exciting world of Katie. A few of my friends found my blog, so I'm a little curious to see if they actually read it or if they're gonna mock me for having a blog. (They're all just jealous that I have some pretty awesome followers.)

Anyway, I don't have much to report about what's going on in my life-Okay, that's a total lie; I do have much to say, but it's kind of a lot right now so I'm sort of shutting down to allow myself to take it all in. (Unfortunately, having me "shut down" happens more than I'd like to admit and at the worst times possible. It happens when I get really overwhelmed with something and just need some time to absorb what is happening around me.) BUT I am getting better at it and it's happening less frequently, so yay!

So in order for this post to continue to be upbeat and quirky, I'm not gonna talk about college. (I will in the future, though. I have lots of things to share, but I just need time right now to adjust to everything.) Instead I'm gonna give you some inspiration in order to start your week off right! Enjoy!



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