Saturday, August 30, 2014

Off I go!

Hey guys!

Happy weekend to all of you! I hope you guys are enjoying the last weekend before school starts. Summer just flew by! I know I say that every summer, but this summer went by way, WAY too fast.

Anyway, I have about a million and nine things to do before I leave in 2 hours and only got a few hours of sleep, but I thought that all of you lovely followers deserve a post. :)

It doesn't feel real that I'm actually leaving. It feels like I'm going on a trip for a week or so and will be back soon. I feel like I'm a senior again at my high school. I feel like this is all a dream. But it's not. I'm going to be a freshman in college, in another state, 4 hours away, and know no one. I'm really on my own. (I don't want that to sound like a pity-party, because that's the opposite (and trust me, I know how to throw a proper pity-party); it's a realization that this is actually happening.)

It hasn't really set in that I'm leaving and won't be back home for a few months. After a really great year (the full 12 months), I'm not ready for it to end. As much as I hate change, I need it. We all need it. It's healthy for us to do something new. It allows us to try different stuff and see how far we can really push ourselves. The truth is that if I stay here, then I'm holding myself back. (Oh my goodness, I sound like the girl from the If I Stay movie/book. Which, by the way, DON'T READ OR SEE THE MOVIE.)

I am excited, scared out of my mind, but excited nonetheless. :)

So I have so much to do and I know that this post is really short and really scrappy, but what I really wanted to tell all of you is that I'm leaving my home, my friends, my comfort zone to begin a new chapter in my life.

Send me good vibes please! I'm gonna need it.



P.S. I just saw my Welcome Week schedule...Oh, Lordy. That's gonna be the death of me.

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