Sunday, July 30, 2017

Life Update

Dear lovely readers,

I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Did you miss me?!?! Let me answer that for you: Absolutely! (Just kidding, I literally have no idea if you missed me or not, but I'm going to pretend that you did because if you didn't, then you wouldn't be reading this.) I'm not going to lie, I for sure thought that I hadn't posted since last summer so I'm a little impressed that I posted in November. (Especially since I have a bunch of unfinished drafts...Oops.)

I'm not really sure where to begin. I finished my third year of college (scary, but yay!) and that has been a crazy year. In a lot of ways, it was extremely exhausting (emotionally, mentally, physically, academically, etc.), but I would love to go back--just for a few days. I met a lot of wonderful people and built incredible relationships that I hope stick with me for a long time. My classes were demanding and I had a lot of outside requirements/expectations that took up a lot of my very limited free time. I worked a lot, but it never felt like enough...Long story short: I'm glad that year is behind me, but I do miss parts of it.

As for the summer, I'm back at home and working a lot. It is a balancing act as I try to juggle everything: work, see friends, clean, prepare for the upcoming school year, read, work, spend time with my family, work, enjoy the nice weather, exercise, work, etc. Some days are better than others, but I'm trying to do the best that I can. I still wish that there was more time in a day, but what can you do?

In my (limited) free time (but still way more than the school year), I exercise and enjoy being outside whenever I can. I still love to sit outside and read (I haven't read a really good book this summer. Ugh! Don't get me wrong, I've read a lot of books, but nothing that just makes me hold the book to my chest and just sign happily.). I go on a lot of nice walks and have had an opportunity to go explore new paths in the area. It has been really nice to go on adventures with friends and catch up with them. I also have really gotten into cooking (okay, I use that term very loosely...I just like to cook). I like taking recipes and making them healthy or actually try the Pinterest recipes that I've had pinned for a long time. (Fun fact for all of you: I don't like to follow recipes. I don't like to be bossed around by them. I know that it defeats the purpose (especially because a lot of the recipes have been perfected and whatnot), but I just use them more as guidance. I'm trying to be more consistent and actually follow the recipes, but it's a work in progress.)

Well. I'm not really sure what else to say without this post going absolutely nowhere. I'll try to post something a little more in-depth and actually give you more information about the exciting life of Katie. Until then, lovely reader, have a happy day!



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