Tuesday, November 25, 2014

College Reflection - 3 months

Hello friends!

Guess what? In less than 3 hours I'll be on the road heading back to good old Minnesota! I'm super excited! :) And as I've been getting ready to leave for Thanksgiving Break, I can't help but realize how much things have changed. How much I have changed.

I feel like I got a lot older, but that I'm still me. I'm maybe a tad more insecure (okay, or maybe a whole heck of a lot more), but I also feel really good. I have had some amazing days where I'm making some incredible memories...and then I have really bad days. My anxiety still kicks my butt, but most days I can handle it. I was tested in lots of ways these past 3 months, but it helped me in more ways.

College was not what I was expecting. Part of me desired for it be like a stereotypical college life you see on TV where you and your roomie become best friends, you have crazy professors, and figure out what you want to do with your life. But a bigger part of me wouldn't trade my college experience for anything. I have a really solid group of friends, a job on campus, and a great support system that's cheering me on at home (and of course all of my amazing followers who read this).

And when I tell people that I love it here: I really do. I'm so glad that I chose to come here rather than my other option. I don't think that I would have been as pushed or tested or have grown as much as I have here.

Anyway, I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you're traveling somewhere, safe travels. Or if you're going shopping Black Friday, I wish you the best. And make sure to eat some pumpkin pie for me!



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