Tuesday, November 25, 2014

College Reflection - 3 months

Hello friends!

Guess what? In less than 3 hours I'll be on the road heading back to good old Minnesota! I'm super excited! :) And as I've been getting ready to leave for Thanksgiving Break, I can't help but realize how much things have changed. How much I have changed.

I feel like I got a lot older, but that I'm still me. I'm maybe a tad more insecure (okay, or maybe a whole heck of a lot more), but I also feel really good. I have had some amazing days where I'm making some incredible memories...and then I have really bad days. My anxiety still kicks my butt, but most days I can handle it. I was tested in lots of ways these past 3 months, but it helped me in more ways.

College was not what I was expecting. Part of me desired for it be like a stereotypical college life you see on TV where you and your roomie become best friends, you have crazy professors, and figure out what you want to do with your life. But a bigger part of me wouldn't trade my college experience for anything. I have a really solid group of friends, a job on campus, and a great support system that's cheering me on at home (and of course all of my amazing followers who read this).

And when I tell people that I love it here: I really do. I'm so glad that I chose to come here rather than my other option. I don't think that I would have been as pushed or tested or have grown as much as I have here.

Anyway, I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you're traveling somewhere, safe travels. Or if you're going shopping Black Friday, I wish you the best. And make sure to eat some pumpkin pie for me!



Sunday, November 9, 2014

If It'd Be Inconvenient, It'll Happen

Happy Sunday to all of you wonderful viewers!

I hope that you guys all had a wonderful weekend so far! Thankfully, it's not over yet! My weekend has been...inconvenient.

Yesterday I got up early to do some laundry. I only had about a dollar in quarters so I needed change. I threw in one load and went to the machine and put in $5. The machine took my money, thought for a few seconds, and then it said it was out of change! (Yes, I did call it lots of names in my head. No, I will not share them here.) So I texted my PA (peer adviser), called campus safety, and ran around my dorm looking for someone to help me. Eventually, one of the other PAs knew what to do so she helped me, but I wouldn't get my money back until Monday at the earliest.

Okay, not too bad, right? I still had a load in the wash and I didn't have enough quarters. I still had $1 in my wallet so I ran around campus going to all the other dorms trying to break my $1. I wast texting a bunch of my friends asking if I could have some money until someone said I could have their $1. Of course this whole ordeal lasted nearly an hour so that made me super unhappy.

The rest of the day wasn't too bad. I spent a majority of it writing a paper, but it needs to be done. Then right before dinner I was washing my hands and my phone slid into a sink full of water. (Okay, I openly admit that I did this to myself and that I'm an idiot.) The good news is  that I have a dumb phone, so it was super easy to turn off and take apart to dry.

I was kinda in a really bad mood the rest of the night, but some of my wonderful friends kinda coached me through it and didn't let me sulk. So that was my day. Hence the motto: if it'd be inconvenient, it'll happen.

Let's hope today's a better day. If any of you want to send me good vibes, that'd be greatly appreciated.



Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Feeling Meh

Hello people of the internet world!

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween and ate so much candy that your teeth are rotting. (I personally love all things chocolate and Sour Patch Kids, so feel free to eat some of those for me.) :)

One of these days I'm gonna update this sucker and make it look legit, fancy, classy, and, well...less boring. Not sure how yet, but I will! And it's gonna rock. (It's on my priority list, but I have about a billion things to do, so that may not happen for a while...)

Even though it's only Wednesday, this week has already been meh. It feels really off, ya know? I can't place my finger on it, but something just isn't right...Maybe it's the stress of the amount of work I need to do. Or the looming upcoming tests. Or maybe it's the constant anxiety that I can't explain why. Heck, maybe it's PMS. I don't know.

There's just something that is making this week rough and I don't know. I'm getting really into my head, too. (Ya know, that voice that questions/over-analyzes EVERYTHING and makes you freak out over the smallest things. You basically feel worthless at the end of it and tell yourself that you're completely alone, you have no friends, you're gonna fail out of college, disappoint your parents, and end up being a sales associate making minimum wage for the rest of your life.) So maybe "rough" is the nice term of what I'm feeling.

I don't know what's wrong with me, guys. I feel like I fell into this slump of some sort and it sucks. Oh man, does this suck.

I don't really know what else to say right now. I don't want my negative attitude to make you guys bummed out. That's not fair to you. Ya need a bad week every once in a while, right?

Send me some good vibes, guys.

