Saturday, October 25, 2014


Hello all of my favorite (internet) people!

I hope that your Saturday has been a great one and that you are enjoying this beautiful weekend! (Well, it's beautiful here. Hopefully it's just as beautiful wherever you are.) I do apologize for not updating for three weeks! I had no idea that I've abandoned all of you for a while. But I'm here now! :)

So, today I wanted to talk about something that I've been thinking a lot about lately: comparison. I mean, how often do we compare ourselves to others? Or we compare some of our possessions, grades, friends, appearances, etc. There are only two responses, too. The response when we feel that we're better off than the other person and we feel a little more confident, a little more proud, a little more arrogant. Or the response when we realize that the person we're comparing to is better off than we are and we develop a sick feeling in the pit of our stomachs.

But neither response really allows us to walk away feeling better, ya know? And if we do, it's only for a short time before the feeling comes back and we're back at square one. I was talking with a friend recently and she said something that really stuck out to me: "Comparison is the thief of joy."

(Now, if you don't know where this is going, then you probably need to go back and read a few previous posts...But if you do know where this is going, congrats! You're my new favorite person!) So, she's spot on because this takes away from our happiness. I'm serious! When you compare yourself to someone else, you're sacrificing your own happiness. AND you forget what you do have!

I'm guilty of doing this all the time, not gonna lie. I constantly compare myself to others and just end up feeling bad for myself. Which is totally not okay! And since I heard that comparison is a thief of joy, I've tried to stop myself from doing that. I need to remind myself that I'm extremely lucky to have what I do have and not to compare myself to others.

Anyway, what I'm trying to tell all of you is that comparing yourself to others, comparing your relationships, comparing your life to others isn't beneficial for you or your happiness. But glad with what you do have. And remember: comparison is the thief of joy.



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