I hope that wherever you are, the weather is just as wonderful as it is here. The sun is out, it's not too hot, I have a stack of homework sitting next to me (that is not gonna get done, if we're being honest here), and a new book which I can't seem to put down (It's Paper Town by John Green because I know that all of you are very curious.)
Anyway, so I just wanted to give everyone an update that life is good. I mean it. :) Sun out, nice and warm, great book, yea. (And yes, I know that I'm going to have a horrible sunburn...I can already feel it. But hey, that's what happens when you have porcelain skin like I do.)
I don't really have much to say. I just didn't want to leave my poor fans all alone for too long. (Get it? It's a joke because I'm fairly certain I'm the only one who actually reads this.) BUT here's some humor because-well, why not? (And I'm avoiding editing a really, REALLY bad paper that I wrote that's gonna make me weep tears of shame because it's that horrible. Seriously, guys, IT'S REALLY BAD.) But here's some humor.
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