Monday, May 5, 2014

Life is Good

Hello all of you lovely people! (Or should I say Feliz Cinco de Mayo!) 

I hope that wherever you are, the weather is just as wonderful as it is here. The sun is out, it's not too hot, I have a stack of homework sitting next to me (that is not gonna get done, if we're being honest here), and a new book which I can't seem to put down (It's Paper Town by John Green because I know that all of you are very curious.)

Anyway, so I just wanted to give everyone an update that life is good. I mean it. :) Sun out, nice and warm, great book, yea. (And yes, I know that I'm going to have a horrible sunburn...I can already feel it. But hey, that's what happens when you have porcelain skin like I do.)

I don't really have much to say. I just didn't want to leave my poor fans all alone for too long. (Get it? It's a joke because I'm fairly certain I'm the only one who actually reads this.) BUT here's some humor because-well, why not? (And I'm avoiding editing a really, REALLY bad paper that I wrote that's gonna make me weep tears of shame because it's that horrible. Seriously, guys, IT'S REALLY BAD.) But here's some humor.



Love this show


This man knows how to live life.

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