Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Post

Hello friends!

I don't really know what I'm doing or why I'm even doing this. I was just kind of curious to see what would happen. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Katie. I'm 18 years old, I live in Minnesota, I'm active within my church, I love speech team, I like to volunteer, I enjoy Pinterest (probably more than I should), and I love taking pictures. (No, not the artsy pictures that are so beautiful that you can image yourself experiencing it first hand. I prefer taking goofy pictures with my friends to capture the memories we make. Hence the picture below. My friends and I had just gotten back from swimming with children while we were on a mission trip in Detroit.)

I really like organization (like, scary a lot) and I enjoy being a planner. I'm a mixture of an introvert and an extrovert. I have my "social days" and my "I hate people days." I tend to keep things bottled up, but I cry at anything that really touches me. I try to be funny, but I'm actually not. And in most situations, I become the "mom." (Which I love. A lot.)

So, if you want, come join me on this crazy journey in life. I don't know how often I'm gonna update or if I'm ever gonna update again. Who knows? Just be prepared for lots of random.



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