Thursday, March 27, 2014

Spring Break

Hello there. 

How are you guys this fine Thursday afternoon? I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I'm just so glad that IT IS FINALLY SPRING BREAK! Before you ask, no, I am not going anywhere warm for vacation. I'm going to go see my mother's family for three days and then I get to come back home to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Yay! 

Anyway, I honestly have no idea what to do for the next 25 minutes as I wait for school to end so then I can get on the bus and go home. I stayed up late studying for finals (fingers crossed that I didn't fail) and now all of my energy is completely gone and I just wanna go home, eat some pasta, and curl up on my couch to watch either The Fosters or FRIENDS. (Yes, I do live a very exciting life. I know that you all are so jealous.) 

So, that's it. Really. Not that exciting. I am so freaking tired and I just wanna be done. (Wow, sorry, I sound super whiney...) Well, hope that all of you had/will have a nice break! Make good decisions! 



Monday, March 24, 2014


Hi again!

Two days in a row! Woot-woot! Anyway, I feel like I should inform all of you that I LOVE inspiration posts/pictures/quotes. (I know, SUPER dorky and lame.) I love seeing stuff that just motivates me, calms me down, or something that I can relate to.

(Originally I had this great plan to have a tab at the top and have people click on it and then there would just be image after image of things that inspired me. But I have no idea how to even attempt to do that and all things electronic hate me, so maybe in the future.)

When I get married and have a huge house of my own (preferably yellow with a wrap-around porch), I want to place a bunch of inspirational quotes everywhere. I'm a strong believer that an inspirational quote has the power to change a person's day. (If any of you have read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (it's one of my favorite books and if you have not read it...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!), then you know that in the Waters household, they have lots of inspirational quotes and stuff everywhere. So image my house just like that. Inspirational quotes EVERYWHERE!)

And remember, I warned you that this blog was going to be super random, so if I post numerous pictures/sayings, don't be surprised. (I can pretty much guarantee that they all will come from Pinterest.) Also there is this great Twitter account that only tweets motivational stuff and I love it!

Yea, here are lots of random motivational stuff. Enjoy.



Sunday, March 23, 2014


Happy Sunday, my dear friends! (I probably shouldn't be using the term "friends" so casually because I have no idea if people are actually reading this or if I'm the only person who ever actually reads it...(Actually, I'm beginning to think that I should cross out "dear friends" and put in "imaginary friends" instead. (Yes, I do think I'm funny.)))

Anyway, happy Sunday! Hope that all of you have had a nice weekend and that you're not all panicking because it is 8:27 on a school/work night and there is much to do because you procrastinated all weekend and now have a bunch of work. Or is that just me? (I apologize in advance for all of pathetic attempts of being funny. I'm reading Tina Fey's autobiography, Bossypants, and it's wonderful and funny and I encourage all of you to read it. Therefore I end up trying to sneak a few jokes but end up butchering them brutally and embarrass myself. Yea...I'm gonna stop now.)

So, back to the main point subject today: SPRING! Thank GOD the snow is going away. Don't get me wrong, I love snow and Minnesota, but after my horrid Ultimate Frisbee season last year and all of the cold days this winter, I'm kinda over snow.

I'm super pumped that it's gonna be warm and sunny and that I CAN GO OUTSIDE AND READ! (I love sitting out in the sun with a good book and a class of water. It's probably one of my highlights of summer.) However, we're not even close to being able to sit in shorts and tank tops to tan yet...But hey, I'll still take sitting in the sun for a couple hours to do homework as well.

And speaking of homework...I still have some stuff to do so that I can have a nice spring break (4 days and counting). Well, so much for trying to have a nice little conversation about spring...(I warned you that this blog was going to be crazy random...)

Have a wonderful week!



Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Post

Hello friends!

I don't really know what I'm doing or why I'm even doing this. I was just kind of curious to see what would happen. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Katie. I'm 18 years old, I live in Minnesota, I'm active within my church, I love speech team, I like to volunteer, I enjoy Pinterest (probably more than I should), and I love taking pictures. (No, not the artsy pictures that are so beautiful that you can image yourself experiencing it first hand. I prefer taking goofy pictures with my friends to capture the memories we make. Hence the picture below. My friends and I had just gotten back from swimming with children while we were on a mission trip in Detroit.)

I really like organization (like, scary a lot) and I enjoy being a planner. I'm a mixture of an introvert and an extrovert. I have my "social days" and my "I hate people days." I tend to keep things bottled up, but I cry at anything that really touches me. I try to be funny, but I'm actually not. And in most situations, I become the "mom." (Which I love. A lot.)

So, if you want, come join me on this crazy journey in life. I don't know how often I'm gonna update or if I'm ever gonna update again. Who knows? Just be prepared for lots of random.

