Sunday, May 8, 2016

Where Did the Time Go?

Happy day, readers! 

First of all,  I want to apologize for not updating nearly as frequently as I would like. My life gets busy, classes become demanding, and I have to make priorities. But have no fear! I am running away from my problems (and pile of homework) to write to all of you. Don't worry, faithful readers, I am here to let you know all about my life! 

I have less than eight days until I go home for the summer. Where did my time go? It is so bizarre to me that I am almost done with my sophomore year. Last year around this time I couldn't wait to get our of college and go home for the summer. I counted down the days and desperately wanted to go home. This year I am amazed at how crazy fast it has gone. 

It hasn't been an easy year and there have been moments where I go to sleep early just to run away, but it has been really good. Moments all start to run together and I just can't believe that they all happened only this year. I feel like I have been an education major forever, that I donated my hair just yesterday (it was almost a month ago and I chopped off ten inches), that we have been counting (and taunting) our steps for months. It is so crazy to me that these moments all happened in a year. 

I feel like my time is running out with them and I try to make the most of it while I can. Sometimes I say screw it to my homework in order to go on a late night ice cream run with friends or I stay up way too late watching a movie knowing very well that I have to be up early the next morning. These are the moments that I try to make the most out of. 

When I came to college I looked at it as a four year agreement. I would come to school four hours away from my family to get an education. I would get in and get out. Sure it would a great time, but never like this. I never imagined that it would be like this. That I would fall in love with my school as much as I did. To find friends that I can't help but wonder where I would be without them. That I would have some the smartest, most genuine professors who take the time to get to know me and my life! To have an international roommate that I adore (even if she is going to write a book one day about living with me for the semester). 

Don't get me wrong: I am so excited to go home. I miss my family and my friends. I want to be able to go back to the best state ever and continue to work retail and actually drive around instead of walking or asking friends for rides. But I'm not ready either. I'm not ready to say goodbyes or to pack up and leave for the summer. I'm not ready be a junior in college. I'm not ready for the rest of my life to take off yet. 

I'm only 20 and I do have my entire life ahead of me. I am excited fro what will happen, but I am also scared for what the future holds. I'm still stunned that this year flew and can't fully wrap my head around it. So I decided to do what I do best: find some inspiration!

Have a great day, friends. And remember: enjoy this moment because it won't last forever.

