Friday, June 6, 2014

Movie Review - The Fault in Our Stars

Hello people of the internet world!

So, first off, today is graduation. Eeek! I am so, so, so, SO not ready! Oh my gosh, like, not at all! I'm trying to distract myself and not look at the clock and think, "In 4 hours, I'll be at the high school taking pictures. In 3 hours, I'll need to be getting ready." But we're not talking about graduation, we're talking about one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time.

Last night I went to the midnight premiere of The Fault in Our Stars with 2 friends. We got there around 9 and I thought that we were going to be the last ones in line and get really crappy seats. (I had to work until 8.) However, that was not the case. We were the second people in line!

We wondered around the mall for about half an hour (all of the stores were closed) until we finally gave up and decided to go sit in line. We were still the second group there, so we just kind of hung out, talked, and desperately wished for time to go by faster.

As time went on, more and more girls showed up. Now let me tell you something: girls are VERY smart. Especially when it comes to big events like this. Girls showed up in sweatshirts, sweatpants, carrying pillow-pets and blankets, and tissues. And, as girls, we ALWAYS have a game plan. These plans were similar to an in-depth zombie plan (sorry, it was the only kind of plan I could think of...). There were girls who would run (and, yes, I mean RUN) to a theater to get good seats. Other girls were on food duty and collected all of the money to get as much food as fast as possible. Others were just guarding spots.

Finally at 11:40, the movie theater started letting us in. Another thing you should also know about girls with very detailed plans: it's either their way or get the hell out of the way.

When we got into the theater, there was a lot of running and yelling. My friends and I kinda just watched it all play out. I was really impressed with all of this. The trailers came on and there was still some whispering and talking and I thought to myself, "If people scream or talking during this movie, I'm gonna lose it." (By the way, the movie trailers actually look pretty good! Lots of good movies coming out, so that's good because the last few months all of the movies have kinda sucked...)

When the movie actually started the theater was silent expect for the occasional "Ssshhhh!" or the "Awwwwww." So the movie went on and it was really good and then...the bomb dropped. Everyone in the theater was crying. No, I don't mean like a tear here or there, I mean full on bawling! Like the "Why is the world so cruel?!?!" kind of bawling. Girls all around us were sobbing. There were so many people sniffling and the breathing changed and everyone was a HOT MESS.

When the movie was over, there were a couple girls still in the fetal position in their seats crying and a couple others leaning on each other. So, if you do go see it, be prepared for that.

Anyway, this is a really, REALLY good movie. It's a melt-your-heart kind of movie. The movie is based off the book and it's actually pretty accurate. They cut some stuff out, but ya do what ya gotta do. The acting, though, was incredible! It was so real and so...I can't even explain it! It's such a good love story and a really good plot! Critics are calling it the best love story of the decade and they are so right. This movie is one that will make you cry. It doesn't matter your gender or age, you WILL sob.

But, of course, you should read the book. :)

